Katia Kolobaeva

Soul Reader
Welcome to my page and to my world! My name is Katia Kolobaeva
I am a philosopher, soul reader and builder of a new reality.

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From the latest
What is the brain and how to use it for its intended purpose
Appointments for consultations, collaboration inquiry:
Do you have some questions? Find answers below!
How long is the consultation?
The session lasts 40 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the client.
How much is it?
There is no fixed price, I always leave the amount at the discretion of the client after consultation.
How do I see: through guardians, communicate with angels, see aura?
I connect to the energy-information field, or directly to the person and upon request I see any area.
Do I do cleansing and carry out practices?
No, I give the access tools to the client's own energy structure, with which a person can influence themselves and their life.
Should I prepare somehow for the consultation?
You can prepare photos of parents, children or those people who will need to be discussed at the consultation.
How often should I get consulted, or one time will be enough?
It depends on the person, their state or the situation. Often, one consultation is enough for a long time. It's important for me not to get you attached, but to provide a tool which will help you to change on your own.
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